Tizen- An open source, standards-based software platform

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The open-source Smartphone Operating System

Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators, device manufacturers, and silicon suppliers for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, smart TVs, and more. Tizen offers an innovative operating system, applications, and a user experience that consumers can take from device to device.
The Tizen project resides within the Linux Foundation and is governed by a Technical Steering Group. The Technical Steering Group is the primary decision-making body for the open source project, with a focus on platform development and delivery, along with the formation of working groups to support device verticals.
The Tizen Association has been formed to guide the industry role of Tizen, including gathering of requirements, identification and facilitation of service models, and overall industry marketing and education.
Tizen provides a robust and flexible environment for application developers, based on HTML5. With HTML5's robust capabilities and cross platform flexibility, it is rapidly becoming the preferred development environment for mobile apps and services. The Tizen SDK and API allow developers to use HTML5 and related web technologies to write applications that run across multiple device segments.
The Tizen application programming interfaces are based on HTML5 and other web standards.


The Tizen community is made up of all of the people who collectively work on or with Tizen:
  • Product contributors: kernel/distribution developers, release managers, quality assurance, localization, etc.
  • Application developers: people who write applications to run on top of Tizen
  • Users: people who run Tizen on their device and provide feedback
  • Vendors: companies who create products based on Tizen
  • Other contributors: promotion, documentation, and much more

Anyone can contribute by:

Membership in most project teams (Release Engineering, QA, Program Management, etc.) is invite-only and will mainly be open to people at companies who are building products based on Tizen. However, Community Office, Localization, and some Middleware development teams will be open to participation on a merit basis.

The Tizen SDK

The Tizen SDK provides you with the essential tools and images to begin development.
Download the Tizen SDK

Getting Started

Learn the application development process with step-by-step instructions including SDK basics.
Developing your first Tizen application

Tizen Source

Find all Tizen components and explore the Tizen source code.
Source Code

Join the Tizen Community

The Tizen community is made up of all the people who collectively work on or with Tizen. Come and get involved.
More about the Tizen Community

Source Code Available for Tizen 2.0 Alpha

The source code for the Tizen 2.0 Alpha has been released. This release is targeted towards smartphones and runs on the PC emulator and an ARM-based reference device. This release allows OEMs to begin considering Tizen 2.0 for their commercial devices, and open source developers to look into Tizen to find what they can improve and contribute.
Tizen provides a standards-based software platform for multiple device categories, which supports Web applications. The API reference provides a comprehensive description for application development.
For information on how to obtain the source code and start platform development, visit our
Developer Guide.


Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, smart TVs, and more. Tizen offers an innovative operating system, applications, and a user experience that consumers can take from device to device.
Tizen smartphone technologies include a flexible and powerful user interface, 3D window effects, advanced multimedia, location based service frameworks, sensor frameworks, and multi-tasking and multi-touch capabilities. In addition, support for scalable screen resolution means that the platform can deliver a consistent user experience across a broad range of handset types and form factors.
Tizen offers a touch-optimized user interface for tablets with a suite of built-in applications for Web browsing, personal information management, and media consumption.
Tizen will provide expanded features, improved performance, and a richer user experience for netbooks. Tizen is a light-weight, scalable, fast-booting, brand-able operating system, with advanced support for touch and connectivity.
In-Vehicle Infotainment
In-Vehicle infotainment systems are devices that deliver navigation, entertainment, and networked computing services in vehicles, such as cars, trucks, planes, and buses. The Tizen In-Vehicle infotainment software platform is designed to enable rich internet and multimedia consumer experiences for vehicles.
Smart TV
Tizen for Smart TV delivers a complete, open standards-based Linux stack, optimized for living room devices, such as Blu-ray players, set top boxes, and digital TVs. It is designed for an Internet-connected TV experience, allowing users to enjoy access to multiple applications, services, and personal media, all while watching TV.

Tizen Developer Conference

The first annual Tizen Conference engages and educates developers on Tizen technology and HTML5 app development for Tizen devices. This conference is for Tizen developers, app developers, platform designers, operators, OEMs, hardware vendors, software vendors, open source enthusiasts, and anyone engaged in Tizen. The Tizen conference will be hosted at the downtown Hyatt in San Francisco, CA on May 7-9th, 2012. You can view the full schedule online. Conference highlights Monday, May 7th, we will open registration at 12:00. There will be a welcoming reception from 15:00-18:00, with demos from our sponsor companies, and afterwards, dinner will be provided. There will be a 24-hour hacker lounge open during the conference, with many games (including werewolf), networking, quiet space, food, and drinks. Tuesday, May 8th, after a full day of sessions, we will host an offsite party for all conference attendees at The California Academy of Sciences.. This night will be filled with amazing exhibitions, great local foods, and bands. Interested in Tizen application development? Enter the Tizen Developer Contest before August 7th.

For more information, visit Tizen Website Tizen.

Here you can see the Website.
It should show everything you want to know about Tizen.
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The Go Programming Language

The Go Programming Language

Go is an open source programming environment that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive.
Go is outgoing, crisp, clean, and competent. Its concurrency mechanism make it easy to write down programs that obtain the most out of multicore and networked machines, at the same time as its novel type system enable flexible and modular program structure. Go compiles fast to machine code nevertheless has the ease of garbage collection and the control of run-time expression. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels similar to a dynamically typed, interpreted language.Go is an open source project with a BSD-style license. There are two official Go compiler toolchains: the gc Go compiler and the gccgo compiler that is part of the GNU C Compiler (GCC).The gc compiler is the more established and well-tested of the two.The gc compiler supports the subsequent operating systems and architectures. Please make sure your system meets these necessities before proceeding. If your OS or architecture is not on the list, it's possible that gccgo might support your setup; see Setting up and using gccgo for details.
Operating system Architectures Notes
FreeBSD 7 or later amd64, 386 Debian GNU/kFreeBSD not supported
Linux 2.6.23 or later with glibc amd64, 386, arm CentOS/RHEL 5.x not supported; no binary distribution for ARM yet
Mac OS X 10.6/10.7 amd64, 386 use the gcc† that comes with Xcode
Windows 2000 or later amd64, 386 use mingw gcc†; cygwin or msys is not needed

The commands are:

build compile packages and dependencies
clean remove object files
doc run godoc on package sources
env print Go environment information
fix run go tool fix on packages
fmt run gofmt on package sources
get download and install packages and dependencies
install compile and install packages and dependencies
list list packages
run compile and run Go program
test test packages
tool run specified go tool
version print Go version
vet run go tool vet on packages

Effective Go

Go is a latest language. Even though it borrows ideas from existing languages, it has extraordinary properties that make efficient Go programs different in nature from programs written in its relatives. A simple translation of a C++ or Java program into Go is doubtful to produce a satisfactory result—Java programs are written in Java, not Go. On the other hand, thinking about the problem from a Go viewpoint could construct a successful but quite different program. In other words, to write Go well, it's important to appreciate its properties and idioms. It's also significant to know the recognized convention for programming in Go, such as naming, formatting, program construction, and so on, so that programs you write will be simple for other Go programmers to recognize.

What is the purpose of the project?

No major systems language has emerged in over a decade, but over that time the computing landscape has changed tremendously. There are several trends:
  • Computers are enormously quicker but software development is not faster.
  • Dependency management is a big part of software development today but the "header files" of languages in the C tradition are antithetical to clean dependency analysis—and fast compilation.
  • There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those of Java and C++, pushing people towards dynamically typed languages such as Python and JavaScript.
  • Some fundamental concepts such as garbage collection and parallel computation are not well supported by popular systems languages.
  • The emergence of multicore computers has generated worry and confusion.
We believe it's worth trying again with a new language, a concurrent, garbage-collected language with fast compilation. Regarding the points above:
  • It is possible to compile a large Go program in a few seconds on a single computer.
  • Go provides a model for software construction that makes dependency analysis easy and avoids much of the overhead of C-style include files and libraries.
  • Go's type system has no hierarchy, so no time is spent defining the relationships between types. Also, although Go has static types the language attempts to make types feel lighter weight than in typical OO languages.
  • Go is fully garbage-collected and provides fundamental support for concurrent execution and communication.
  • By its design, Go proposes an approach for the construction of system software on multicore machines.

History of the Project

Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson started sketching the goals for a new language on the white board on September 21, 2007. Within a few days the goals had settled into a plan to do something and a fair idea of what it would be. Design continued part-time in parallel with unrelated work. By January 2008, Ken had started work on a compiler with which to explore ideas; it generated C code as its output. By mid-year the language had become a full-time project and had settled enough to attempt a production compiler. In May 2008, Ian Taylor independently started on a GCC front end for Go using the draft specification. Russ Cox joined in late 2008 and helped move the language and libraries from prototype to reality. Go became a public open source project on November 10, 2009. Many people from the community have contributed ideas, discussions, and code.

Go's ancestors

Go is mostly in the C family (basic syntax), with significant input from the Pascal/Modula/Oberon family (declarations, packages), plus some ideas from languages inspired by Tony Hoare's CSP, such as Newsqueak and Limbo (concurrency). However, it is a new language across the board. In every respect the language was designed by thinking about what programmers do and how to make programming, at least the kind of programming we do, more effective, which means more fun.There are now several Go programs deployed in production inside Google. A public example is the server behind http://golang.org. It's just the godoc document server running in a production configuration on Google App Engine.

Is Go an object-oriented language?

Yes and no. Although Go has types and methods and allows an object-oriented style of programming, there is no type hierarchy. The concept of “interface” in Go provides a different approach that we believe is easy to use and in some ways more general. There are also ways to embed types in other types to provide something analogous—but not identical—to subclassing. Moreover, methods in Go are more general than in C++ or Java: they can be defined for any sort of data, even built-in types such as plain, “unboxed” integers. They are not restricted to structs (classes).Also, the lack of type hierarchy makes “objects” in Go feel much more lightweight than in languages such as C++ or Java.

How are libraries documented?

There is a program, godoc, written in Go, that extracts package documentation from the source code. It can be used on the command line or on the web. An instance is running at http://golang.org/pkg/. In fact, godoc implements the full site at http://golang.org/.

Hello World in Go

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
            fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Go Language Website

Here you can see the Website. It should show everything you want to know about Go Lang.

Open webOS 1.0 Released

Open webOS

The Beta of Open webOS 1.0 has been released. The Beta includes two build systems, aimed at enabling developers in two ways:
  • Our OpenEmbedded-based Build System

  • OpenEmbedded is specially targeted at managing porting to multiple platform architectures, and is an ideal base for contributors interested in bringing Open webOS to new hardware. The Beta release opens our ongoing development branch targeting an ARM emulator.
  • Our Linux Desktop Build

  • Develop on your own desktop, where you have access to all of your own tools and code. This is the ideal, productive environment for OS developers to enhance the user experience and integrate other best-of-breed open source technologies. The desktop build supports running System Manager as an application on your desktop, and the Core Applications running within System Manager.
    In addition to the key system components already released which are listed below, the Beta opens a host of other components. These are visible in the github repos.

    Previously released components of Open webOS

    Browser and Browser Server
    Open webOS uses a version of QtWebKit to render web pages and apps. Code-named "Isis Project", it uses a client-server model that separates the rendering process from the user interface. This architectural approach delivers smooth scrolling and a responsive user experience. The Isis Browser uses the highly portable Qt framework with the goal of delivering a cross-platform browser in the future. The code may be found in the Isis Project repository on GitHub.
    As we evolve Open webOS, we have chosen class-leading components to give our developers the ability to provide their applications with the most immersive and robust graphics and audio. We are expanding our QtWebKit framework to incorporate OpenAL Soft audio, OpenGL ES and WebGL graphics, and Gstreamer to handle streaming media.
    Platform Portability Layer
    The Open webOS platform portability layer (PPL), code-named "Nyx Project", is used to isolate the upper layers of webOS from dependencies on the hardware and the core OS upon which it is running. It is implemented as a shared library that exposes a uniform client API and that expects to call into a series of platform-dependent modules that implement the API for a particular device. The code may be found in the Open webOS repositoryon GitHub.

    Platform Portability Layer Module

    Open webOS is intended to be built on the Linux Standard Kernel 3.3, with the platform portability layer providing any necessary platform abstraction.
    System Policy
    Examples of policy and features implemented on top of the Platform Portability Layer:
    • Powerd
    • Sleepd
    • Storaged

    The repos can be found here:
    • https://github.com/openwebos/powerd
    • https://github.com/openwebos/sleepd
    • https://github.com/openwebos/storaged


    DB8 is the database service provider for all webOS components. The initial release provides a partial implementation on top of the LevelDB database engine. Future releases will provide a complete implementation based on LevelDB.
    The repo for DB8 can be found here. Access to DB8 is provided via the API documented here.


    Luna-service2 provides a bus-based IPC mechanism used between components in Open webOS. Luna-service2 is composed of a client library and a central hub daemon. The client library provides API support to register on the bus and communicate with other components. The hub provides a central clearinghouse for all communication. Utilities for monitoring and debugging the bus are included

    The repo for Luna-service2 is here.
    Node.js is an open source project which can be found at http://nodejs.org. The Node.js release in Open webOS provides minimal extensions to enable access to the webOS system bus and to enable extended system access for Node.js services. This includes the node_spawner tool used to launch Node.js services within webOS.
    The repo for Node.js is here.
    Novacom and Novacomd provide a generic communication toolset to allow communication between a host and an embedded device using sockets over USB. New devices can be supported by adding a new vendor ID in the USB device stack.
    The repo for Novacom can be found here. The repo for Novacomd can be found here.
    System Manager

    System Manager (also known as luna-sysmgr) is responsible for rendering webOS Card View, Launcher, Lock Screen, Status Bar and Status Menus, in addition to other system management features that are viewable in the System Manager User Interface. System Manager is also responsible for hosting a QtWebKit shared library, WebApp Manager, for rendering of Enyo applications.
    The repo is available here.
    Core Applications
    Core-apps includes the following Enyo 1.0 applications: accounts, calculator, calendar, clock, contacts, email, and memos.
    The repo is available here.
    Open webOS is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
    Key Principles

    • Open webOS will accept contributions via a signoff process inspired by Linux Certificate of Origin.
    • Open webOS will made available under the Apache license, Version 2.0.
    • Open webOS will use the contributor committal model in use on most open source projects.
    • Open webOS will be segmented into multiple projects to give developers ample opportunity to join and remain active in the development effort.
    • The Open webOS project website will host a wiki, a source code repository, a mailing list, and a bug tracking system.
    • We will use Github or an equivalent tool to as the code repository.
    • We will use JIRA or an equivalent tool to track issues.
    • Our plan is to allow multiple committers to branch and merge code in the open to allow multiple development branches to occur at once.

    Open webOS includes several projects: Enyo (a JavaScript framework), WebKit/Isis, the Linux Standard Kernel, and the webOS System Manager. Each project has a Project Management Committee (PMC), comprised of committers elected within the project's community to provide oversight for the project. The PMC also decides on the project's release strategy and is responsible for releasing distributions into the community.
    PMC members are expected to act individually, making decisions in the best interests of the project, when acting on PMC or development lists. Each PMC is responsible for ensuring their project follows certain core requirements set by the board or other corporate officers of Open webOS. Examples include following legal, branding, and infrastructure related requirements, and ensuring their community operates in a manner similar to that outlined by the Apache Way.
    PMC members nominate new contributors to the project as committers, and PMC members cast votes on electing new committers to the project. PMC members also have binding votes on any project matters.

    In the beginning, all committers (distinct from public users and contributors) will come from HP. The PMCs will use a system of meritocracy as a guide for adding contributors as the project progresses. The path of progressing from public user to contributor to committer is based largely upon user involvement in the community (see below). At any given moment we would expect relatively few committers.
    (As an example, Linux has thousands of users, of whom only 2.5% are developers or contributors and fewer than 100 are committers. So, the project may have many, many users, but it's the PMC and the committers who determine the project's baseline.)
    All committers report to the PMC of the component they represent. The PMC uses a consensus-based decision making process to determine whether or not to take a contribution from the community and commit it to the code tree.
    Meritocracy criteria include:
    • Community involvement
    • Consensus decision-making
    • Open and transparent communications
    • Responsible oversight with deference to the community
    Project Leaders
    Steve Winston
    Open webOS
    Kent Ohlund & Keith Weng

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